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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Look at the bodies of Wu Anguo die on the battlefield, the hearts of a sudden burst alone: ​​that democratic Where is it?
Not far away.
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You say, do your brother benefits many? Your little brother I do set, there is no room for negotiation. Rocco threat.
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Ha ha!, Inn to not bicker with you, I know what you mean, I was head never thought to charge the brother.
Sun knew that Rocco is insinuating, told myself not to close the little brother he never liked to do something by someone else's name, this time is forced to do so he may not want to use their own name into trouble a few hundred the guy when the fire brigade.
For convenience, the sun inn a detached small courtyard.
Sunlight into the alpine bed, looking pale mountains, some hesitation, asked:
He should not just go to sleep, right? Should be some, but I could not tell.
Rocco took out his hand to the amount of the amount of the pulse of the alpine, there listened to the heartbeat, and exclaimed:
, He would be a great problem. Malnutrition, low blood sugar, lack of sleep, fatigue caused by a temporary shock will wake up after a few hours of sleep, but if it continues, the problem will be more serious 's.
How serious? Sun and Li Feng asked in unison.
There may be heart failure death, commonly known as karoshi. Rocco said gravely.
Karoshi? You say is reality or game? Sun as if what comes to mind, careful confirmation Road.
I have to say, of course, is the reality. Said Rocco serious.
What you say is true? Your doctor? Lee Wind desperate at Rocco asked.
True, he would die if he is to continue to go on like this, should not take long. As for you