Monday, December 24, 2012

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And rocket attacks!
Immediately, burning taste of infection over the whole sky!
No preparedness of the soldiers who are prone busy capital of the wall to install a huge bolt of Zan, still do not understand how it was surprise rocket attack hit ignorant.
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Those rocket above specially treated, it is difficult to extinguish once ignited.
The most easily Beijing garrison headache, who had defenders wooden giant crossbow weapon all burn. Instead became Morishiro obstacles.
Although many soldiers have not been shot, but was this giant crossbow on flame burning started shouted to the four, it will increase the easy capital defenders panic.
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The easy capital's defenders see this scenario more confusion.
Do not know which people first shout loudly: So easy capital on the wall of those who fire soldiers have been Kanfan to the ground.
Although cruel, but it does courage 壮士断腕.
Easy capital on floundered, Lu Su already see the eyes, seeing this sneer: Qingzhou Army has been gradually close to easy capital, the the easy capital head flame has been extinguished.
The the Qingzhou Army of God arm archers still going on uninterrupted projectile behind in their natural, steady flow of spare eagle feathers arrows to the front. The Free God arm archers can not make bricks without straw.
In this case, the the easy capital city head has been completely suppress the Qingzhou Army projectile firing live.
The easy capital's defenders Ming know the next step is to start climbing the city of Qingzhou soldiers

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Dear, also count for something.
Zhang Liao frown, his naturally calm, there is no time feeling he cares but the winners and losers of the war, the enemy is certainly worthy of respect, but one's own casualties but also his heartache to mention Taishi Ci alive but not dead but not corpse, Hanxiandi not get it back. immediate victory is not a real victory.
Thought here, Zhang Liao could not help from immediately before: Riboud hear heart unhappy he dislikes Zhang Liao attitude of those the Qingzhou Army killed in battle kind of turn a blind eye to, but has also had to admit that Zhang Liao, then it makes sense, only insincere reluctantly said: pole. Zhang Liao did not noticed Riboud face see Riboud promised their own, he gave special elite combat with their own hands have been holding a number of weapons handed Riboud sighed: This and other deadly weapons. Riboud took the the earliest one died in the hands of Zhang Renjun special elite Zhang Liao togethers, heart Antan: you master naturally has no effect, but in the end only a few master of this world like you for being so level? This stuff killing soldiers is not an easy thing?
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Zhang Liao yo widowed Huan ground, followed behind Riboud heart he felt the waves of depressed.
Look at the bodies of Wu Anguo die on the battlefield, the hearts of a sudden burst alone: ​​that democratic Where is it?
Not far away.
Two shares the army gradually confluence together.
Riboud saw Zhang Xiu, smiles: ? Jia Xu and Zhang Xiu, looking at the smiles: Riboud quite a ride. Heard this, he could not help and Jia Xu laugh together.
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He should not just go to sleep, right? Should be some, but I could not tell.
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, He would be a great problem. Malnutrition, low blood sugar, lack of sleep, fatigue caused by a temporary shock will wake up after a few hours of sleep, but if it continues, the problem will be more serious 's.
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There may be heart failure death, commonly known as karoshi. Rocco said gravely.
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Friday, October 12, 2012

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The early favorite 'troublemakers' or has exposed in public before his hobby was the FANS internal staff to clean out the remaining came to the airport to welcome me almost all self-discipline highly.
Schools still take the students can not, simply can not forcibly prevent students leaving behavior. Because before doing school students committed suicide unbearable forced to leave, so that the principal of the school, so the other schools this requirement is not too much for an eye, close one eye to allow students to organize their time.
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Monday, August 27, 2012

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Wei Niefu step onto a tall green Cong Ma, side looking at both sides of the situation. Sixty-year-old general, the body is the Shante traditional black armor, lining bulging tall body, it is unusual dignity.
The veteran was not wearing a helmet and pocket iron pot, has been stained by years of white hair, the breeze, the many vicissitudes of the face, leaving a few scars.
Today, in addition to five thousand defense Wister Castle Wei Niefu its other nearly forty thousand army out of the castle, in the oblique north bank deployed. See, Wei Niefu running the army is very strict, tens of thousands of army array quietly standing, waiting for the advent of World War II, the entire north shore of the battlefield is silent, there is no hint of the hustle and bustle.
Chi to a black horse from the West, galloping horseshoe splashes piece of dust, such as lightning from a narrow military array channel through a flash came to the Wei Niefu the front.
Weinie Fu's son, Duncan Knight dismounted, and bend the bow. Rapid trend Chi some of his asthma, fine beads of sweat oozed young face: Wei Niefu General, fifteen kilometers west of the battlefield at black rocky beach and 30 kilometers of Layton ferry, Tiger Army cavalry assembled on the other side, each about the number of thousands of people around! Mr. Duncan did not find the other army?

Monday, August 20, 2012

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Friday, August 10, 2012

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

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1 Magic Star Kai nine turn absorb the soul of the Dark Disciples of yin and yang, the tower, he did not know they are labeled as soul, there is no ability to return to the underworld, but if we can return to the underworld, the underworld maybe approach they revert to what it is today, before the enemy is not to distinguish with the underworld, do not want them to increase their strength.
The fat messenger of death shocked the two sides, the resistance of the Dark Disciples stopped, the immortals are powerless so dead, their struggle against what, ten long fairy to stop the attack, Dark Disciples surrender, there is no necessary to kill them.
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A room of the temple, unusually, dull and nervous, nfl is still hope this out the window, the beautiful scenery in the spirit Court can not rule out the possibility of inner anger and embarrassed, Iraq gates of fairy took him to the palace, will inevitably have an impact parents will not say what Iraq Fei nothing safe return, Iraq Fei there are sufficient grounds, but in his heart.
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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Entered the hall, a powerful concept of God immediately inside the room echoed with: These rich with officials, a bad thing to do absolutely the guy. chosen a more than a timid, always dedicated to tablets at home. We demon ... Faint dead air circulated off slowly from the body should be most charitable spirit,

Sunday, July 8, 2012

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This one-sided fighting lasted less than three minutes for these people is like a lifetime as long as everyone had in mind the most is: security is not a vegetarian, are eligible to stay here, their skills are also good, plus a small place in the corridor, a dozen scrambled gathered around him, leaving even less room for maneuver of the side wind flash show even Flying dance, play, chaos side of the body of the wind is also impossible to endure a few punches.
Side of the wind into the elevator and endured the pain, the above is only a button is pressed, the heart: to Xiao Qiuer, worthwhile so desperately I? depressed. A sound bite too, to the fourth floor, the elevator door slowly away, can not help but Anjiao sound bitter wind side of looking at the scene, the original elevator outside the dense stand of full security of the same dress, a look, afraid of not 43 individuals, either just suffered a few places still faint pain, side wind will probably mistakenly thought he was in a dream into the filming site of .
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About more than two hours, tired of the sixth-eighth of the watch of the demining Yangzhe Yu saw from time, it is estimated that the Shang Tieyi already arrived at the star mirage. If all goes well, he even sat in the sea The board is Yangzhe Yu click cards button, the arms of the phone suddenly rang.
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

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Six months of work, people pressing to the wages they deserve, but still expressed indifferent color, temperament is so stable, and not be dry, not anger is not anger, not in general young people can do to.
Xiao Li at this time the hearts of action, pending the development of Longtan Villa in urgent need of manpower, it is better to first hire under these two individuals say, to relieve their current dilemma, so stepped forward and asked: The smell of two young men hesitated and looked up, see an almost wear them in for questioning, each hesitated, long hair and asked: Xiao Li said: dry and I go. Long hair and looked at the small flat, which was his own undecided.
Call me Xiao Li, not the big boss. Go strike to the side of the restaurant to get something to eat to go. to.
In a hotel,NHL Caps, Xiao Li point meals and Tang wind Lv Dayong two with a During conversation learned that two persons from neighboring provinces, a remote rural and, to the provincial capital to work on a construction site. Start the first able to receive pay, then that contractors King Tong Sai Qi will not give them wages, saying it was three months and then with the settlement results six months down, that Huang Shi Qi still evade a variety of reasons. later to other workers to inquire scared him hop duo was more than a year failed to receive wages, and take another dismay, had to swallow to stay here, hoping to final settlement. great as that of Huang Shi Qi forces, but also colluded with the local triad those who want to pay first, white dry leave their backing, the second is to complain. But those do not want to complain under the black hand wounded, that is, received threats, and ultimately no one can go to enough to pay, had to reluctantly leave. Tang wind to see not a thing, then quit her job and Lvda Yong went to Huang Shi Qi beg wages. result was a group of Han catch got on pull stations to force them to leave.
Xiao Li heard I of sympathy and comfort: an opportunity to recover the fair strike. Had ate, and Xiao Li in the next to find a hostel, and set a three bedspace, Tang wind and Lv Dayong take a break, back to the station to buy another two tomorrow to return to the county ticket, and then went to Xinhua Bookstore, the selection of planting, breeding books.
Tang and rest in the guest house, lying in bed looking at the roof Fazheng Antan soon, I do not know why do feeling.
Side of the Lv Taiyong said: